Suffer The Little Children…

Babies are a blessing from God!


This is a sad, but very conflicting article to read. Two parents had a child that was diagnosed with Down Syndrome. The mother is from Armenia where there is still a lot of negative stigma attached to children with the condition. The mother decided not to keep the baby and told the husband that if he keeps the baby she will divorce him. The father, from new Zealand, decided to keep the baby. And two weeks later divorce him she did!

Millions of children live daily with Down Syndrome. They live happy, fulfilling lives even with the limitations that the condition causes. Many of these children grow up to get married, have children (without Down Syndrome), hold paying jobs, have careers, travel, enjoy adventures, and have even acted on TV and in movies. Many children born without Down Syndrome never accomplish as much!

The father is moving forward with taking care of the baby and planning for his future. He is fighting for, and funding, organizations that work with children that have Down Syndrome.

As parents, we never know what may befall our children at any point in life. Accidents, disease, and tragedy are part of this world as we know it. But so also are joy, kindness, happiness, and love! Our responsibility is to love, cherish, teach, enjoy, and care for our children as much as we possibly can, while we can.

Read full article here.

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